Course curriculum

    1. How to use this course

    1. Defining digital literacy

    2. A Framework for digital literacy

    1. Digital Literacy Framework: Focus on... The Computational Thinking Element

    2. Introduction

    3. What is Computational Thinking?

    1. Abstraction

    2. Check for Understanding: Abstraction Activity

    3. Algorithms

    4. Check for Understanding: Algorithms Activity

    5. Decomposition

    6. Check for Understanding: Decomposition Activity

    7. Pattern Recognition

    8. Check for Understanding: Pattern Recognition Activity

    1. Human vs. Computer

    2. ISTE Computational Thinking Resources

    3. Computational Thinking in Action

    4. Check for Understanding: Computational Thinking

    1. Connection to Other Elements

    2. To Summarize

    3. Resources for Further Reading and Exploration

About this course

  • Free
  • 21 lessons
  • 0.5 hours of video content

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